Naked, Nude

I have three eyes, but none of them see you kissing him
behind a transparent wall.

The rain falls every time the singer's voice breaks.

Back to square one.
The man resurrects, wipes the dust from his shirt
and shoots himself three more times before disintegrating.

Anonymous white swans put on masks to hide their identities,
and I have never felt more exposed.
Let him touch my spine once again.

My guilt is a shapeless figure crawling in the sewers
searching for the eternal, ephemeral party.

The ashes of a happy person’s bonfire taste the same
as my own skin.

The devil sitting on my left shoulder says
that only true artists’ souls will survive the flood.
Curt Cobain sitting on my right shoulder says
“’Tis better to burn out than fade away”.


A crowd of indifference I’m moving through.
Every bit of air sucked out of my breath.
Where is the light I used to see in your eyes?

Objects, grown children, battering life to death.
Sometimes they stop and stare at the stars beneath.
Sometimes they wonder how to twinkle.

If I stop spinning, the World will never paint again.
Could anyone carry Atlas for me?

Jigsaw Puzzle
The pieces have been taken and laid out
A picture of a life starting to form
My love, before you came there was no doubt
My life’s image would always be lukewarm
For I believe that you have changed my ways
And babe, although my love was not mislaid
I do not know the number of warm days
Until the burning flame we have will fade
But I can not control what I think of
And if my silence angers you, then know
That I am only focusing my love
Emotions flowing from head down to toe
     For you will stay forever in my heart
     In my life’s jigsaw, you are a big part

  My heart a stone that drags my spirit down
My sentiments a plough that carves my soul

What mind I have is spinning all around

The weaker crown let water drown my mole

  Equivocal conceptions make me think

Nay! Catapult this logic on my mind

As I the flask let meet my lips to drink

My powers shrink, my future is confined

  Mortality, o what a pleasure now

The feelings, thoughts, emotions roam inside

Vociferously voices make me bow

And disavow to all that I abide

  My heart is clogged with hopelessness and woe

  I love thee, Juliet, thy Romeo

Par moi
mon bonheur est allé

je ne peux pas le trouver

ils me demandent "Pourquoi?"
mais je ne sais pas

c’est toujours difficile
et je deviens fragile

je ne sais plus
je n'ai jamais su

The train starts to move.
A single tear falling down.
Palms that almost meet.

a second of life
eternal in Polaroid

static vividness

Did you feel regret
slowly strolling the pavement
of memory lane?
Grey-haired too early
he looks himself in the eyes
wearing briefs and grief
Sapphires on fire
your eyes revealing your soul
innocently blue.

That day you kissed him
not just once, and not just twice
but three times I died

I thought I would cry
but I found a happy face

in my reflection.

Kittens in a bag
awaiting the cold water

and to die like dogs

Moonshine reflecting
In the shadow of the sun
Silently whistling

I:common pronoun,
used by speaker to refer
to him- or herself

Love:a strong feeling
of affection and interest
linked with attraction

You: common pronoun,
refering to the person
the speaker intends

Fists of self-loathing
punching through my mind
slowly crushing me.
Without energy
you stumble through existence
with eyes set on naught.
There have been times when
I wish I was someone or...
something else than this.

As the sailor turns
his eyes to the moon
the wind plays the sails

playing a lonely tune

The ocean strokes the hull;
an undulant melody
of ages that have passed
of life and love lost at sea.

Mon âme – pour toi – crie en vociférant
   Mais à moi tu es brutalement froid

Écoutez maintenant de mon sérénade

   Laissez-moi être ton conquérant

Pour toi, je voyagerais le monde

   Me suis-je amouraché de toi ?

   De tes yeux qui illuminent le soir

   De tes sourires, tes cheveux longs et blondes

Si je te perds, ma vie est en pure perte
   Quoi faire maintenant, je ne sais plus

   Je promets une vie que tu n’as jamais su

Pourquoi sont tes émotions recouvert ?

Tu es plus belles que tu peux comprendre
Mon fareau dans cette vie est attendre

A ballad of Death

Now start a-diggin', merry men
start diggin', oh my slaves!

Dig deeper, faster, and the holes

you dig will be your graves

So hang me by the neck 'til death

comes whistling down the road

He laughs as coldness hits my world

he laughs away the cold

Now take my hand and walk with me
I'll never let you go
I really hope to guarantee
a time you will enjoy


"I'm so hungry. Please!"
Desperate cries
echoing down a dark street
bathing in sun light.
The swollen eyes turning
the bony arms reaching
for people walking by
for people an eon away
for people
pretending not to hear.
Shine, shine oh sun
and pretend you don't hear.


A Worthy Truth

You send me into a warming bliss
with your newly awakened eyes.
The way you look at me
-- it’s the most beautiful thing there is

Under bed sheets of Windsor green
holding your body tight

I feel the warmth of your cheek
-- the most beautiful I’ve ever seen

Back into dreamland’s waters you row
with a smile on your lips.

You’re looking ever so peaceful
-- it’s the most beautiful thing I know.